Fast and Robust
Biorefinery Simulations

Powered by BioSTEAM: An open-source biorefinery modeling tool.

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What is BioSTEAM?

BioSTEAM is a fast and flexible package for the design, simulation, and techno-economic analysis of biorefineries under uncertainty. BioSTEAM’s framework is built to streamline and automate early-stage technology evaluations and to enable rigorous sensitivity and uncertainty analyses.

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simulation mode screenshot

Single-point simulation

Simulate a biorefinery using custom assumptions on finance, design, operation, and performance. Critical economic and environmental sustainability indicators are evaluated through techno-economic analysis (TEA) and life cycle assessment (LCA), respectively.

simulation mode screenshot

Simulation with uncertainty

Evaluate a biorefinery across a landscape of custom assumptions on finance, design, operation, and performance. TEA and LCA sustainability indicators are presented in the form of the median and 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles.

Visit the docs

For detailed information on how to use the BioSTEAM web application.

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